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Common Multiple Calculator

Created by Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
Reviewed by Komal Rafay
Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

With this common multiple calculator, you can instantly find a multiple that is common to your set of numbers. Our tool allows you to enter up to 15 different numbers and finds their least common multiple and further common multiples. Scroll below to read what common multiple actually is and to see examples of calculations.

Common multiple definition

A common multiple is a multiple shared by two or more numbers.

Before we move on, let us remind ourselves what multiples are. When we add the value of a number to itself, we get the next multiples. Let's look at multiples of the number 3: we start with 3 and add to each successive number, 3. So, multiples are 3, 3+3 = 6, 6+3 = 9, and so on.

If you want to find the common multiples of 2 and 4:

  1. Input 2 and 4 into our common multiples calculator.
  2. Look at the list of multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,... and 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,.....
  3. Note the multiples that appear in both lists.
  4. Now we see that 4, 8, and 12 are repeated in both lists, so the common multiple calculator informs you they are common multiples of 2 and 4.

🙋 Note that the subsequent common multiples are multiples of the first one, e.g. 8 and 12 are multiples of 4. You can easily find the complete list of common multiples if you know the first one 😎.

Least common multiple

If we write out common multiples of numbers, the first of these is called the least common multiple. For example, look for the common multiple of the numbers 2 and 5:
Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,...
Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20,...
Common multiples of 2 and 5 are 10, 20, and so on. So the least common multiple of 2 and 5 will be the first number: 10.

Common multiples of three and more numbers

We find common multiples of three numbers in the same way as above, but they must be multiples common to all the numbers. Let us find common multiples of 5, 6, and 10.

  • Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,...;
  • Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,...;
  • Multiples of 10: 10, 20, 30, 40,..., and
  • We see that the common multiples of 5, 6, and 10 are 30, 60, 90......

More on common multiples

Common multiples are so vast and interesting that we decided to add much more to the topic. Check out our related tools:


What are the common multiples of 8 and 12?

The common multiples of 8 and 12 are 24, 48, 72,......

The steps to find them are as follows:

  1. List multiples of 8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48,...
  2. List multiples of 12: 12, 24, 36, 48,...
  3. Find the least common multiple: 24.
  4. Find the multiples of 24: 48, 72,... They will be the next common multiples of 8 and 12.

What are the common multiples of 3 and 4.5?

The common multiples of 3 and 4.5 are 9, 18, 27, ....

Let's do it:

  1. Move the decimal 1 place to the right. We'll search for the common multiples of the positive integers 30 and 45.
  2. List multiples of 30: 30, 60, 90, 120,...
  3. List multiples of 45: 45, 90, 135, 180,...
  4. Find common multiples: 90, 180, 270,...
  5. Move the decimal point of the result 1 place to the left: 9, 18, 27,...
Joanna Śmietańska, PhD
Data (you may enter up to 15 numbers)
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