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This round to the nearest thousand calculator is actually three calculators:

  • A round to the nearest thousand calculator;
  • A round to the nearest ten thousand calculator; and
  • A round to the nearest hundred thousand calculator.

To use them, input your number, and all three will be displayed to you immediately. Additionally, you can also change between different types of rounding in the advanced mode.

Read on to learn more about rounding. First of all, what does rounding mean? Rounding is a technique used to decrease the precision of a number so that you only need to deal with it in a simpler form. For instance, most of the time, the number 125,673 is probably not very helpful. Hence, it would make sense to round it to the nearest thousand — 126,000.

Don't worry if this still sounds confusing; we have prepared some examples to demonstrate how rounding to the nearest thousand works.

Round to the nearest thousand calculator - how do you round to the nearest thousand?

The best way to understand the concept is to look at a round to the nearest thousand example: what is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousand?

As the hundreds digit is 4, which is less than 5, the number should be rounded down to 52000. As for 52678, as the hundreds digit is 6, which is larger than 4, it will be rounded up to 53000.

Round to the nearest ten thousand calculator - how do you round to the nearest ten thousand?

Here's another example to help you understand how to round to the nearest ten thousand: what is 23718 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

As the thousands digit is 3, the number is rounded down to 20000. For 25600, as the thousands digit 5 is larger than 4, it will be rounded to 30000.

Round to the nearest hundred thousand calculator - how do you round to the nearest hundred thousand?

Lastly, let's look at this example to understand how to round to the nearest hundred thousand: what is 271403 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?

Since the ten-thousands digit is 7, which is greater than or equal to 5, the number should be rounded up to 300000. Since the ten-thousands digit of 234500 is 3, it will be rounded to 200000.

What are rounding modes?

Now that we have taken a look at a few round to the nearest thousand examples, let's talk about rounding modes- a feature that is available in the advanced mode of this round to the nearest thousand calculator.

The calculation we explained so far uses the half-up rounding mode by default, as it is the most common rounding mode used. However, depending on the situation, you might want to tailor and adjust how the rounding works:

  • up — Rounds the number away from zero. 4.3 and 4.6 become 5, but -4.3 and -4.6 become -5.

  • down — Rounds the number towards zero. 4.3 and 4.6 become 4, but -4.3 and -4.6 become -4 instead.

  • ceil — Rounds the number towards the larger number. 4.3 and 4.6 become 5, but -4.3 and -4.6 become -4.

  • floor — Rounds the number towards the smaller number. 4.3 and 4.6 become 4, but -4.3 and -4.6 become -5. Our modulo calculator is based on this principle.

  • half up (default) — Rounds the number towards the nearest neighbor. For instance, 4.5 becomes 5 and -4.5 becomes -5. This is how rounding is usually performed.

  • half down — Also rounds the number to the nearest neighbor, but slightly different from the half up method. Using half down, 4.5 becomes 4 and -4.5 becomes -4.

  • half even — Rounds the number towards the nearest neighbor as well, but if equidistant, it rounds towards the even number. For example, both 3.5 and 4.5 are rounded to 4. 5.5 and 6.5 are rounded to 6. This method is often used in scientific research as it is good at preventing cumulative rounding errors. For instance, it is usually used in determining significant figures.

If you are still confused, just refer to the diagram below:

Diagram showing different types or rounding and their rules


What is 23718 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

Rounding 23718 to the nearest ten thousand will give 20000.

What is 271403 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?

If you round 271403 to the nearest hundred thousand, you reach 300000.

What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousand?

Rounding 52437 to the nearest thousand will make the number into 52000.

How do I round a number to the nearest thousand?

You can round the number to the nearest thousand in five steps:

  1. Write down the number in question
  2. Determine the rounding precision
  3. Determine the appropriate rounding mode
  4. Identify the number at the hundreds position
  5. If the hundreds number is larger than 4, round it up. Otherwise round it down.
Wei Bin Loo
Nearest thousand
Nearest ten thousand
Nearest hundred thousand
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